Nanotechnology solution for radioactive waste cleanup

Radioactive material is toxic because it creates ions – by stripping away electrons from atoms – when it reacts with biological molecules. These ions can form free radicals, which damage proteins, membranes, and nucleic acids. Free radicals damage components of the cells’ membranes, proteins or genetic material by « oxidizing » them – the same chemical reaction that causes iron to rust. This is called « oxidative stress ». Many forms of cancer are thought to be the result of reactions between free radicals and DNA, resulting in mutations that can adversely affect the cell cycle and potentially lead to malignancy. [Lire plus…]

Ndlr : Un lien que j’avais perdu depuis quelques temps. Il est intéressant parce qu’il amène l’espoir de décontaminer un environnement radioactif grâce aux nanoparticules.

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