An investor guide to negative emissions technologies

An investor guide to negative emissions technologies

Negative Emission Technologies (NETs) are the next investment frontier and offer trillion dollar upside
opportunities for investors.1 Within NETs, forest-related Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) could generate
US$800 billion in annual revenues by 2050, worth US$1.2 trillion today in NPV terms,2 surpassing the current
market capitalisation of the oil & gas majors.3 Hence, an entire new industry may emerge that values carbon
stored in vegetation and soil, unlocking new business models and investment opportunities for avoided
deforestation, reforestation and afforestation (hereinafter re/afforestation), and land restoration. Thanks to
its low cost, natural forest restoration looks likely to emerge as the earliest feasible investment opportunity.
The sector’s annual revenues could reach US$190 billion by 2050. Avoided deforestation may generate the
remaining annual revenues with US$610 billion by 2050, but it is further from commercialisation as it
involves more complex compensation mechanisms (The Inevitable Forest Finance Response: Investor
Opportunities, commissioned by the PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment)). Technical solutions, such as
Direct Air Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (DACCS) and bioenergy with CCS (BECCS), could generate an
additional annual revenue of US$625 billion by 2050.4 This report provides transparency around NETs
assumptions of climate scenarios and corporate net-zero commitments, presents risks and uncertainties
associated with NETs, and assesses what upside opportunities NETs – particularly NBS and, within this,
forestry – can offer to investors. [Lire plus]


A noter, cet extrait :

« Les technologies d’émissions négatives (NET) sont la prochaine frontière d’investissement et offrent une opportunité de mille milliards de dollars pour les investisseurs. Au sein des NET, les solutions basées sur la nature (NBS) liées aux forêts pourraient générer 800 milliards de dollars de revenus annuels d’ici 2050 (…) Des solutions techniques telles que le captage, l’utilisation et le stockage directs du carbone dans l’air (DACCS) et la bioénergie avec CSC (BECCS) pourraient générer un chiffre d’affaires annuel supplémentaire de 625 milliards de dollars d’ici 2050. »


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