Foreign direct investment in the era of new industrial revolution

The Fourth Industrial Revolution presents opportunities and challenges for foreign direct investment (FDI) as it transforms how companies operate. As the global investment landscape moves towards resilience-seeking FDI through Industry 4.0, attracting such funds has been more competitive. Foreign direct investment practitioners should be agile…

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Mon dieu, la fin du travail, comment allons-nous vivre ?

La fin du travail, la fin de l’emploi, la fin des haricots, la fin de tout, terrible, qui fait peur, tous au chômage, dans la misère, inutiles, vivant d’assistanat, quelle horreur ! Mais qu’allons-nous devenir ? [Lire plus...]

Continuer la lectureMon dieu, la fin du travail, comment allons-nous vivre ?