Renewable energy, GDP and CO2 emissions in high-globalized countries

Policymakers devote significant efforts to decrease CO2 emissions, as climate change has Q7 numerous adverse impacts on society. While the global level of CO2 emissions has been gradually rising since the 1990s, the highest growth was observed in low- and middle-income economies. This study differs from nascent…

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Sectoral composition of GDP and greenhouse gas emissions: an empirical analysis in EU27

Understanding the relationship between economic growth and GHG emissions is crucial for achieving sustainable development and the Paris Agreement decarbonization goals. The objective of this paper is to analyse the long-term relationship between sectoral Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the…

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Decoupling for ecological sustainability: A categorisation and review of research literature

Highlights • We reviewed 179 articles on decoupling published between 1990–2019. • The papers present evidence of absolute impact decoupling, mainly between CO2 and GDP. • No evidence of economy-wide, national/international absolute resource decoupling. • No evidence of the kind of decoupling needed for ecological…

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Exploring the dynamic effect of economic growth on carbon dioxide emissions in Africa: evidence from panel PMG estimator

The relationship between economic growth and environmental pollution continues to attract significant research interest for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers all over the globe. Theoretically, the environmental benefit of economic growth should be greater than its negative externality with higher level of development. However, from the…

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A decomposition and decoupling analysis for carbon dioxide emissions: evidence from OECD countries

Despite the huge difference in their climatic regimes, the OECD countries are among the world’s largest energy consumers and emitters of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide. Nonetheless, no studies have been conducted to decompose and decouple the long-term influential primary factors of carbon emissions for…

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The limits to degrowth: Economic and climatic consequences of pessimist assumptions on decoupling

Highlights The pessimist assumptions on decoupling by some degrowth scholars presuppose an economic collapse of unseen magnitude Alternatively, stringent climate goals such as 1.5 °C, are not attainable These pessimist assumptions are, however, not based on robust arguments, and ways to demystify decoupling is discussed [Lire…

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Découplage : la bonne nouvelle du dernier rapport du GIEC

Derrière sa tonalité alarmante, le troisième volet du sixième rapport du GIEC sur l'atténuation du dérèglement climatique cache une note d'optimisme qui change fondamentalement la donne : le découplage de la croissance du Produit Intérieur Brut (PIB) et des émissions de gaz à effet de…

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Many countries have decoupled economic growth from CO₂ emissions, even if we take offshored production into account

Historically, CO2 emissions have been strongly correlated with how much money we have. This is particularly true at low-to-middle incomes. The richer we are, the more CO2 we emit. This is because we use more energy – which often comes from burning fossil fuels. [Lire…

Continuer la lectureMany countries have decoupled economic growth from CO₂ emissions, even if we take offshored production into account

Absolute Decoupling of Economic Growth and Emissions in 32 Countries

The past 30 years have seen immense progress in improving the quality of life for much of humanity. Extreme poverty — the number of people living on less than $1.90 per day — has fallen by nearly two-thirds, from 1.9 billion to around 650 million.…

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Conjuguer croissance économique et réduction des émissions de CO2, c’est possible et 32 pays l’ont fait depuis 2005 (dont… la France)

Une étude américaine montre que 32 pays dont la France sont parvenus à un découplage total entre croissance économique et émissions de CO2 depuis 2005 : leur PIB a augmenté tandis que leurs émissions ont diminué. [Lire plus]  

Continuer la lectureConjuguer croissance économique et réduction des émissions de CO2, c’est possible et 32 pays l’ont fait depuis 2005 (dont… la France)

A systematic review of the evidence on decoupling of GDP, resource use and GHG emissions, part II: synthesizing the insights

Strategies toward ambitious climate targets usually rely on the concept of 'decoupling'; that is, they aim at promoting economic growth while reducing the use of natural resources and GHG emissions. GDP growth coinciding with absolute reductions in emissions or resource use is denoted as 'absolute…

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A systematic review of the evidence on decoupling of GDP, resource use and GHG emissions, part I: bibliometric and conceptual mapping

As long as economic growth is a major political goal, decoupling growth from resource use and emissions is a prerequisite for a sustainable net-zero emissions future. However, empirical evidence for absolute decoupling, i.e. decreasing resource use and emissions at the required scale despite continued economic…

Continuer la lectureA systematic review of the evidence on decoupling of GDP, resource use and GHG emissions, part I: bibliometric and conceptual mapping